
“It is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do. That is the secret of happiness”

- J M Barrie

Laura Thompson Laura Thompson

My Story

For years I have wanted to create my own little space where I could show and sell my art, and I have finally done it!

I have always made art, either drawing, painting, sculpting or generally tinkering around with whatever I could get my hands on, but I have never really felt confident enough in my work to sell it. When my son was born in 2018 I had a bit of a personality shift and became fiercer and more confident as a person. However, having a small child does not leave very much time for doing art, so I still didn’t get a huge amount done.
Since then I have done odd little bits here and there, but I haven’t been able to fully focus on my art. I am incredibly lucky to have a job that I love, but I always intended to make and sell art as well.


Then lockdown started. That was hard. Really hard. I think everyone found being in lockdown difficult, so I don’t want to make a big thing of it, but we all started to go a bit crazy after a few weeks. One thing that helped keep us sane was going on adventures in the woods. We are so lucky to live close to some beautiful woods that were full of bluebells at the start of lockdown.


Spending so much time there, surrounded by beautiful moss and lichen covered trees really made me want to get drawing again. I felt inspired, but when I actually sat down to try and draw anything, I just felt stuck and didn’t have the energy to do anything.


When Toby went back to nursery I was still on furlough, which I am eternally grateful for. It has given me two months to really get my creative brain juices flowing again, as well as the time to set up my website and figure out the admin side of things that I’ve just never got around to doing properly before.

It gave me the headspace to really think about what I wanted to do and make a plan, but it also gave me a sense of urgency, to not waste a single moment, because I didn’t know when my furlough would end.

So now I’m all set up and ready to go! My first batch of prints is here and I’m eager to start making more. I don’t think I really realised how much I missed being creative until I started up again, but now I feel unstoppable!

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